Monday, October 18, 2010

News As American As America and Diversity in the Newsroom

It was interesting to read this article. It talked about a small town preparing for their Fourth of July parade, when including flags of other nations would be a problem. Of course it angered some residents because, well America is the best right? Well, no. Our country is struggling with the demographic change that is occurring and has always been occurring. It is the job of journalists to maintain ethics policies and "seek truth and report it" as the states.

The article that focuses on Diversity in the Newsroom was interesting because it showed how a lot of top newspaper companies have extremely low percentages of non-whites working at the publications. Do I think they should hire people of different backgrounds JUST to say that they are diverse? No, but they should look to hire qualified individuals from all backgrounds that can do the job. I think a diverse newsroom is a great thing for a publication because individuals can learn so much with all the different opinions and cultures that are all put together.

The Q&A with Frank Harris, an assistant professor at Southern Connecticut State University, focused on journalism and facing racism. He went into detail about how important it is to discuss racism in journalism because how can one report fairly if they're racist thoughts play a role. He talked about when is race relevant to a story and when is it not. We each judge naturally based on how wew ere brought up. It's natural and almost impossible to avoid, but when writing a story journalists need to set that aside and write the truth.

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